Data Scientist Interview: Case Study

What is Data Scientist Case Study?

A data scientist case study involves a thorough and comprehensive examination of specific instances within a real-world setting. It represents a genuine business challenge addressed through the development of machine learning or deep learning algorithms, aiming to craft the best possible solution. Data science applications span a wide range of industries, including but not limited to e-commerce, music streaming, and the stock market, offering limitless opportunities.

How to Approach Case Study-Based Data Science Interview Questions?

In data science interviews, you may be tasked with solving and discussing open-ended, real-world case studies, possibly related to the interviewing compamy. The secret to excelling in these discussions lies in adopting a systematic approach or framework, which we will outline below.

1. Understand the Company and Role

Before the interview, delve into the company’s background, focusing on its website to grasp its operations and ethos. Familiarize yourself with the job role by thoroughly reviewing the job description and researching the industries the company operates in. This preparation helps anticipate potential questions.

2. Engage with Questions

Given the open-ended nature of case study interviews, multiple solutions may exist. Avoid rushing to conclusions without understanding the case’s context and objectives. Probe the interviewer with questions to clarify any ambiguities and to reveal information they may have omitted.

3. Formulate Assumptions and Hypotheses

Simplify the problem by making reasoned assumptions and share these with the interviewer, explaining your rationale. This approach helps focus on solving the core objectives. Examples include:

  • Assuming seasonal changes don’t significantly impact car sales based on consistent sales trends, thus excluding seasonality from the model.
  • Proceeding without preprocessing the data, as confirmed by the interviewer.
  • Averaging minute-level temperature data from IoT devices for daily weather prediction to simplify analysis.

4. Demonstrate the Data Science Process

With a clear objective in hand, apply a structured 7-step data science framework, encompassing data mining, cleaning, feature selection, and model choice. For instance, in predicting car purchases at auctions:

  • Begin by preparing data from various auctions, focusing on completed ones and ensuring data balance.
  • Conduct feature engineering and selection to identify key variables like car make, purchase year, and transmission type, iterating as needed based on test set performance.
  • For a classification problem, start with Decision Trees or Random Forest models, considering their effectiveness in classification scenarios. Adjust model parameters as needed to enhance accuracy.

5. Conclude with Impact

Wrap up by summarizing how your solution aligns with the business case and its potential benefits, such as leveraging your car sales prediction model to reduce losses from purchasing unsuitable cars at auctions.

Example Questions

Navigating Data Science Case Study Interview Questions

Data science interviews often involve case studies based on real or hypothetical business scenarios to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills. Below, we’ll explore how to approach a variety of case study questions, emphasizing the importance of a structured problem-solving method, critical questioning, and clear communication.

1. Improving Credit Scoring for a Bank


  • Clarify Parameters: Understand the factors considered in the current credit scoring model and if they vary across different borrower demographics.
  • Define Financial Distress: Get a clear definition of financial distress and the features considered.
  • Loan Categories: Confirm if the focus should be on a specific loan type.

Assumptions and Data Preparation:

  • Assume a correlation between debt ratio and financial distress. Use regression to impute missing monthly income values.
  • Select relevant data, avoiding records with high debt ratios or inconsistent incomes.


  • Start with logistic regression for this binary classification problem, considering more complex models as necessary.


  • Highlight the model’s potential to enhance credit decision-making, supporting the bank’s financial ecosystem.

2. Classifying Fruits and Vegetables from Images


  • Clarify Dataset Composition: Understand the image dataset’s structure, including class variety and image dimensions.
  • Preprocessing Assumptions: Address dataset imbalance and decide on a training-testing split. Consider data augmentation to manage overfitting.


  • Leverage GPUs for computation. Develop a CNN model for feature extraction, optimizing with batch normalization and learning rate adjustments.


  • Emphasize the model’s utility in accurately categorizing produce, facilitating efficient sorting and packaging in e-commerce and processing industries.

3. Analyzing Netflix’s Focus on TV Shows vs. Movies


  • Scope of Analysis: Clarify if animations are included, the genres to be analyzed, and the target audience demographics.
  • Geographical Focus: Initially concentrate on major content-producing countries, with a plan to expand the analysis.

Data Analysis:

  • Select relevant data and perform EDA to understand content trends and preferences.


  • The analysis can guide Netflix in content investment decisions to maximize revenue and viewer satisfaction.

4. Detecting Fake News on Social Media


  • Platform Specifics: Clarify which social media platforms are included and the significance of news titles and descriptions.

Data Preprocessing:

  • Segregate news titles and descriptions, address data imbalance, and focus on a specific news category for initial modeling.


  • Utilize NLP techniques and machine learning models suitable for text-heavy datasets.


  • The model can help reduce the spread of fake news, enhancing content quality and trustworthiness on social platforms.

5. Forecasting Stock Prices for Nifty 50


  • Forecasting Details: Determine the specific stock to be analyzed, the price metric to forecast, and the forecasting horizon.

Data Preprocessing:

  • Focus on VWAP as the target variable, recognizing this as a time series forecasting problem.


  • Use time series analysis methods, such as ARIMA or Facebook Prophet, after making the series stationary.


  • Time series forecasting can inform financial trading strategies and investment decisions.

6. Forecasting Weekly Sales for Walmart


  • Scope of Analysis: Determine the focus on store types, holiday impacts, and evaluation criteria.

Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering:

  • Identify crucial features and perform EDA to understand sales trends and seasonality.


  • Consider a range of models from linear to ensemble methods, optimizing for predictive accuracy.


  • Accurate sales forecasting supports strategic planning, inventory management, and promotional activities.

7. Predicting Employee Attrition


  • Clarify the Scope: Understand the factors that might influence attrition, such as job satisfaction, compensation, work-life balance, and management practices.
  • Data Exploration: Identify patterns or trends in past employee data that correlate with attrition rates.


  • Utilize classification models to predict the likelihood of an employee leaving. Consider logistic regression, decision trees, or ensemble models.


  • Offer insights on high-risk factors for attrition and recommend strategies to improve employee retention.

8. Identifying Optimal Locations for Startups


  • Define Criteria: Establish what makes a location “best” for startups—funding availability, market access, talent pool, cost of living, etc.
  • Data Collection: Gather data on various cities and countries regarding these criteria.


  • Apply clustering or ranking algorithms to evaluate and compare locations based on the defined criteria.


  • Highlight top locations and provide actionable insights for startups considering where to establish their business.

9. Estimating Air Quality Impact During COVID-19


  • Data Requirement: Clarify the types of air quality data available (e.g., PM2.5, NO2 levels) and the geographical scope.
  • Temporal Analysis: Compare air quality data before, during, and after COVID-19 lockdowns.


  • Use time series analysis to identify significant changes in air quality metrics.


  • Discuss the environmental impact of reduced human activity during lockdowns and suggest long-term sustainability strategies.

10. Developing Predictive Maintenance Models


  • Understand Equipment Data: Clarify what machine data is available (operational parameters, maintenance history, failure incidents).
  • Feature Engineering: Identify key predictors of equipment failure, such as usage patterns and historical maintenance records.


  • Implement machine learning models to predict equipment failures, possibly using survival analysis or anomaly detection techniques.


  • Explain how the predictive maintenance model can reduce downtime and maintenance costs, improving operational efficiency.

General Advice for Tackling Data Science Case Studies:

  • Tailor Your Approach: Each case study is unique; adapt your analytical strategy to fit the specific context and available data.
  • Engage the Interviewer: Asking clarifying questions not only helps refine your approach but also demonstrates your thoroughness and analytical mindset.
  • Showcase Your Thought Process: Clearly articulate your reasoning, assumptions, and the steps you’re taking to address the problem.
  • Emphasize Impact: Conclude with a discussion on how your findings or model could positively affect the company or situation in question.

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